When we were still in China we had met some friends who are missionaries. Their family had lived in China for the past 10 years and so they new Mandarin Chinese. One of their daughters, Joy, who was in her twenties had sat the girls down to ask them a question that I wanted to know. That was if Mia had started yet. Once Joy was finished talking to them, she concluded with certainty that Mia hadn't and also didn't know what it was. She said Anna piped in and said that she new what a period was and went on to explain, "first you go in the bathroom, then you get a band-aid, then you put it on your arm where you are bleeding. Then you shut off the light and close the bathroom door." Joy was right about then not knowing anything. Now we wait for that shining moment.
Here is a pic of Mia when she was just a baby. She is with a caregiver.
Happy Birthday Mia!